l’histoire secrète racontée entre les lignes sinueuses et le sens … Þer wes blisse & muche song

1330 R. Mannyng Chron. Wace (Rolls) 4024 After Sysilly com Glegabret, A syngere of þe beste get. 1386 G. Chaucer Pardoner’s Tale 17 And right anon thanne comen Tombesteres,..Syngeres with harpes. 1440 Promptorium Parvulorum 456/1 Synggare, cantor. 1486 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 5 Namely, that he..help the Syngers after his cunnyng in the honour of our blessed lady. 1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 102 Marchauntys therof [sc. pleasures] & craftys men, syngarys & playarys apon instrumentys. 1602 W. Shakespeare Merry Wives of Windsor i. iii. 24 His filching was like An vnskilfull singer, he kept not time. 1652 R. Brome City Wit iii. i. sig. C7v, in Five New Playes (1653) He..has been..one of the sweet singers to the City Funeralls. 1757 tr. J. G. Keyssler Trav. IV. 208 The vocal musicians, or singers,..perform even in private houses for money. 1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall III. xxxi. 216 Three thousand singers, with the masters of the respective chorusses. 1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth x, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. I. 268 My judgment is not deep, my lord; but the singer may dispense with my approbation. 1843 W. Hammond tr. Def. Faith Œcumen. Councils 183 If a Subdeacon, Reader, or Singer commits the same things.

1880 ‘V. Lee’ Stud. 18th Cent. Italy iii. ii. 113 Farinelli..was proud of being a singer and afraid of being a political agent. 1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §239 We see also, that Cock-birds, among Singing-birds, are ever the better singers. 1849 J. Craig New Universal Dict. (at cited word) The canary is a fine singer. 1896 J. W. Kirkaldy & E. C. Pollard tr. J. E. V. Boas Text Bk. Zool. 462 Singers (Sylviadæ)… Some of them noted singers. 1935 Amer. Speech 10 20/2 Singer, a stool pigeon or trusty who carries tales to the administration. (Obs.) 1961 John o’ London’s 30 Nov. 610/3 An informer, then a squealer, is now more often referred to..as a singer. 1560 Bible (Geneva) 2 Sam. xxiii. 1 Dauid.., the swete singer of Israel. 1652 (title) Herbert’s Remains, or, sundry Pieces of that sweet Singer of the Temple. 1704 T. Brown Presbyt. Proposals in Wks. (1711) IV. 126 Quakers, Muggletonians and Sweet-Singers of Israel. 1874 J. R. Green Short Hist. Eng. People vii. §7. 423 Amidst the throng in Elizabeth’s antechamber the noblest form is that of the singer who lays the ‘Faerie Queen’ at her feet. 1880 S. Lanier Sci. Eng. Verse Pref. Wyatt, Surrey, Sackville, and a host of less known or unknown singers. 1843 T. Carlyle Hist. Sketches (1898) 74 A sterling man, a true Singer-heart.

OE (Mercian) Vespasian Psalter (1965) xxxii. 3 Cantate ei canticum nouum, bene psallite in iubilatione : singað him song neowne wel singað in wynsumnisse. OE Beowulf 787 Þara þe of wealle wop gehyrdon, gryreleoð galan Godes andsacan, sigeleasne sang. OE Beowulf 1063 Þær wæs sang ond sweg samod ætgædere fore Healfdenes hildewisan, gomenwudu greted, gid oft wrecen. OE Beowulf 2447 Þonne he gyd wrece, sarigne sang, þonne his sunu hangað hrefne to hroðre. OE Crist III 1649 Ðær is engla song, eadigra blis. OE Cynewulf Elene 112 Wulf sang ahof, holtes gehleða. OE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Otho) (2009) I. xii. 435 [Þa he þa] þis leoð asungen hæ[fde, þ]a forlet he þone sang. OE King Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care (Hatton) (1871) lii. 409 Ða singað ðone sang [L. canticum] ðe nan mon elles singan ne mæg. OE Lindisf. Gospels: Luke xv. 25 Cum ueniret et appropinquaret domui audiuit simphoniam et chorum : miððy gecuome & geneolecde to huse geherde huislung..& þæt song. OE Metres of Boethius (partly from transcript of damaged MS) (2009) xiii. 50 Þonne hi geherað hleoðrum brægdan oðre fugelas, hi heora agne stefne styriað. Stunað eal geador welwynsum sanc. OE Riddle 24 6 Hwilum gielle swa hafoc, hwilum ic onhyrge þone haswan earn, guðfugles hleoþor, hwilum glidan reorde muþe gemæne, hwilum mæwes song. OE St. Neot (Vesp.) in R. D.-N. Warner Early Eng. Homilies (1917) 129 He dæighwamlice to his Drihtene clypode æfter Dauides sange þuss cweðende, Drihten [etc.]. OE tr. Felix St. Guthlac (Vercelli) (1909) ii. 108 Ne he mistlice fugelas [read fugela] sangas ne wurþode, swa oft swa cnihtlicu yldo begæð. OE Widsith 100 Þonne ic be songe secgan sceolde hwær ic..selast wisse goldhrodene cwen giefe bryttian. 1175 Ælfric Let. to Sigeweard (De Veteri et Novo Test.) (Bodl.) 30 Heo up comen ealle isunde, herigende mid sangum [OE Laud mid sange] ðone heofenlice God. 1175 Homily (Bodl. 343) in S. Irvine Old Eng. Homilies (1993) 202 Þær is feȝer englæ werod, & apostola song. 1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 3374 Þeȝȝ alle sungenn ænne sang Drihhtin to lofe. & wurrþe. 1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 7931 Wop wass uss bitacnedd wel Þurrh cullfre. & turrtle baþe. Forr þeȝȝre sang iss lic wiþþ wop. 1225 MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 63 Godes songes beoð alle gode; to þere saule heo senden fode. 1225 Vices & Virtues (1888) 15 Ða aingles of heuene..sunge ðane derewurðe sang, Gloria in exselsis deo. 1275 Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 15282 Þer wes blisse & muche song. 1275 Owl & Nightingale (Calig.) (1935) 221 Þu miȝt mid þine songe afere Alle þat ihereþ þine ibere. 1275 Owl & Nightingale (Calig.) (1935) 722 Vor þi me singþ in holi chirche, An clerkes ginneþ songes wirche. 1300 Floris & Blauncheflur (Vitell.) (1966) l. 250 (MED) Þer is fowelene song. 1300 Poema Morale (Jesus Oxf.) 347 in R. Morris Old Eng. Misc. (1872) 70 Þer is alre Murehþe mest myd englene songe. 1325 Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 699 (MED) Of ðis kinge wil we leden song. 1330 Arthour & Merlin (Auch.) (1973) l. 3535 (MED) In euerich toun fram Portesmouþe To Londen..Men made song and hopinges. 1330 Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 2654 Of ysonde he made a song. 1340 Ayenbite (1866) 60 Þe dyeules noriches þet..doþ ham slepe ine hare zenne be hare uayre zang. 1340 Ayenbite (1866) 68 Þe holi gost..makeþ his ychosene zinge ine hare herten þe zuete zonges of heuene. 1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Job xxx. 9 Now forsothe I am turned in to the song [L. canticum] of hem. 1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Lament. iii. 14 Y am mad in to scorne to al puple, the song [L. canticum] of them al dai. 1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John’s Cambr.) (1865) I. 317 (MED) Þerfore herdes of þat lond byhedeþ hem [sc. grasshoppers] forto haue þe swetter song. 1390 MS Vernon Homilies in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen (1877) 57 277 Þe brid song..so Murie..þat þenne to ryse mihte he nouht Til þat song weore i brouht to ende. 1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) ii. l. 3012 (MED) Now schalt thou singe an other song. 1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) I. xii. xiv. 625 There is a maner grashoppere þat hatte cicada and haþ þat name of canendo ‘syngynge’, for wiþ a ful litil throte he[o] schapiþ a wondirful song.

Continue reading “l’histoire secrète racontée entre les lignes sinueuses et le sens … Þer wes blisse & muche song”

l’histoire secrète racontée entre les lignes sinueuses et le sens … Solvyn, supra in onbyyndyn

1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Dan. ii. 5 Bot ȝe shuln shewe to me the sweuen, and the coniecturyng, or menyng, therof. 1400 Mandeville’s Trav. (Roxb.) viii. 29 By þe chaungeyng of þe coloures men..knawes and coniectures wheder it schall be derthe of corne. 1440 Promptorium Parvulorum 464/1 Solvyn, supra in onbyyndyn. 1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 254 And on þis maner þai war wunt..for to solve þer faste. 1450 J. Lydgate Secrees 1259 Afftir the sesouns Solve flewm brennyng or moysture. 1460 Promptorium Parvulorum (Winch.) 322 Onbyyndyn, or solvyn, soluo.

1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) I. clxxxvi. f. cx Whiche thynge thus by the kynge desyred, the Lordes anone coniectured in their myndes that he desyred the kepynge of theyr yonge lorde, to ye ende that he myght the more easyerly optayne the possession of that Dukedome. 1528 S. Gardiner in N. Pocock Rec. Reformation (1870) I. l. 104 To the intent we might the better discipher the very lett and sticking. 1529 Bp. S. Gardiner Let. 7 Sept. (1933) 39 Bicause they [sc. letters from Rome] be moch in cifre, his Hignes desireth your Grace that they may be disciphred there and remitted hither again. 1529 T. More Supplyc. Soulys ii. f. xxxviv Yf he wold now..beleue those .iii. or .iiii. noughty persons, agaynst those .iii. or .iiii. C. good and honest men: he then shuld well decypher hym self, and well declare therby, [etc.]. 1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 494/1 As I conjecture, it wyll be founde. 1550 J. Bale Image Both Churches (new ed.) ii. sig. h.iijv Wythout the blynd bussynges of a papyste, may no synne be solued. 1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia sig. Nii They furthwyth verye wyttelye coniectured the thynge [sc. paper-making]. 1552 R. Ascham Let. July in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eminent Literary Men (1843) 12 Your Mrship is wel ware in seeing our lettres fittly dissiphered, lest..a clear other mynd may appeare in reading, than was ment in writing. 1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde i. vi. f. 30v They coniectured that these thynges portended sum great matter. 1567 G. Fenton tr. M. Bandello Certaine Tragicall Disc. f. 253v He not liking to..heare the secrettes of his falte so plainely decipherede, replied accordynge to the discrecion of our wilfull youth now adaies. 1569 E. Fenton tr. P. Boaistuau Certaine Secrete Wonders Nature xli. f. 139v Ther was found sundry learned and holy men, which began not only to decipher the misery of this infant [Fr. a philosopher sur la misere de cest enfant], but also ye monstrous shape therof in this sort, saying, yt by the horne was signified pride & ambition, by the wings lightnesse & inconstancie. 1572 J. Knox Hist. Reformation Scotl. in Wks. (1846) I. 191 Thane begane he to dissipher the lyves of diverse Papes, and the lyves of all the scheavelynges for the most parte. 1573 G. Harvey Let.-bk. (1884) 40 Being not able to coniecture what purpose he should have in his hed. 1574 J. Dee Let. 3 Oct. in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eminent Literary Men (1843) 37 Yf by such a secret..Threasor hid may be decipherd in precise place. 1574 T. Newton in tr. G. Gratarolo Direct. Health Magistrates & Studentes Ep. sig. Aiiij In this litle Pamphlet, so clerkely and compendiously decyphered, I haue aduentured to deuest him of his Latine weede, and after a homely sorte forced into barbarous Englishe. 1576 A. Fleming tr. Erasmus in Panoplie Epist. 346 Occupying his pen (as by the course of his wordes, is to be conjectured) so unnecessarily. 1578 J. Banister Hist. Man i. f. 3 Those fewe decyffered names, which the aunncient Anathomistes haue giuen [to the Bones]. 1579 S. Gosson Schoole of Abuse f. 1 Whether he were better with his art to discifer the life of the Nimpe Melia, or Cadmus encounter with the Dragon, or [etc.]. 1580 C. Hollyband Treasurie French Tong Devinement, coniecturing, soothsaying. 1581 A. Fleming Diamond of Deuotion i. ix. 42 Of two differing waies deciphered by the letter Y. 1584 R. Scot Discouerie Witchcraft vii. xi. 145 Coniecture vnto me by thy familiar spirit. 1586 J. Stewart Poems (1913) 158 Thir verse disschyphre rycht..Or than ȝe sall no perfyt sentence find. 1586 Sir P. Sidney Apol. Poetrie (1595) sig. E1v A coniectured likelihood. 1587 D. Fenner Def. Godlie Ministers sig. Liv I coniecture..their meaning to be this. 1587 G. Turberville Tragicall Tales f. 68v Coniecture of her cares, imagine her distresse. 1594 J. Dickenson Arisbas sig. B 3 I haue a secret to disclose, a sorrowe to disciphre. 1599 S. Daniel Let. from Octavia xlix. sig. D2, in Poet. Ess. These secret figures, natures message beare Of coming woes, were they desciphered right.

1602 W. Watson tr. E. Pasquier Iesuites Catech. i. ii. f. 5 I beseech you decyfer [Fr. dechifrer] your doctrine that I may vnderstand it, for to say truth, this is high Dutch to me. 1605 F. Bacon Of Aduancem. Learning ii. sig. Qq1v The vertues of them [sc. ciphers]..are..that they be impossible to discypher . 1605 R. Bannatyne Memorials Trans. Scotl. (1836) 166 Sir Nicolas Throgmorton,..be frequent conferences,..had dischypheret ther wickit intentioune. 1605 T. Tymme in tr. J. Du Chesne Pract. Chymicall & Hermeticall Physicke Ep. Ded. sig. A3v Thus (right Honourable) you see a Paradox, no Paradox, & a Hieroglyphick plainly disciphered. 1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 142 Those painters which could moste artificially decipher a Dog..were greatly reuerenced among the Egyptians. 1610 J. Healey tr. Cebes’ Table in tr. Epictetus Manuall (1636) 106 A table..the meaning whereof we could not possibly conjecture. 1616 J. Bullokar Eng. Expositor Decipher, to write after a strange fashion, that none shall reade it. 1616 J. Bullokar Eng. Expositor Solue, to vntie. 1619 E. M. Bolton tr. Florus Rom. Hist. ii. xv. 203 The furie of the rebels may be coniectured by this, that they pluckt downe house-tops. 1621 R. Burton Anat. Melancholy ii. ii. iii. 328 [H]e hath coyned 72 Homocentrickes, to solue all apparances. 1624 Bp. F. White Replie to Iesuit Fishers Answere 564 Summes of money..to be solued to the Publicans of the Ecclesiasticall Roman Tribute. 1624 T. Gataker Discuss. Transubstant. 69 Solving all objections gathered out of their obscurer sayings against Catholic doctrine. 1625 A. Garden Characters & Ess. 35 Yet time decyphers these Deceivers all, When they debosh, and play Bankrupt, with all. 1629 P. Massinger Roman Actor i. i. sig. Bv On the Stage Decipher to the life what honours waite On good, and glorious actions.

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l’histoire secrète racontée entre les lignes sinueuses et le sens … We ðe, soðfæstan god, heriað and lofiað

OE Old Eng. Martyrol. (Corpus Cambr. 196) 22 Nov. 254 On þære nyhte þa heo wæs ingelæded on þone brydbur, þa sæde heo þam brydguman þæt heo gesawe engel of heofenum and se wolde hyne slean myd færdeaðe, gif he hyre æfre onhryne myd unclænre lufon. OE tr. Vitas Patrum in B. Assmann Angelsächsische Homilien u. Heiligenleben (1889) 197 Ða gelicode him sona ðurh deofles tihtince þæs hæþenan sacerdos dohtor. Began þa niman swyðe micle lufe to hyre and to hyre fæder gewænde and hy him to gemæccan gyrnde.

OE Old Eng. Hexateuch: Gen. (Claud.) xxiv. 67 Isaac gelædde Rebeccan in to Sarran getelde, hys modor, & underfeng hi to wife, & lufode hi swa swyðe, þæt he ðæt sar forgeat, þe him on hys modor deaðe gelamp. OE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Otho) xxii. 51 Ic wille [þe oðewan] forlustlice for ðinum lufum [L. tui causa libenter]. OE Resignation B 116 Þonne ic me to fremþum freode hæfde, cyðþu gecwe[me] me wæs a cearu symle lufena to leane, swa ic alifde nu. OE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Otho) xxxv. 101 Ne fo we no & [read on] ða bisna & on ða bispel for ðara leasena spella lufan, ac forðæmðe we woldon mid gebecnan þa soðfæstnesse. OE Genesis B 508 Ic gehyrde hine þine dæd and word lofian on his leohte and ymb þin lif sprecan. OE West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) xxiii. 6 Hig [sc. the scribes and the Pharisees] lufigeað þa fyrmystan setl on gebeorscypum, & þa fyrmystan lareowsetl on gesomnungum. OE Paris Psalter (1932) lxx. 21 Mine weleras gefeoð, wynnum lofiað, þonne ic þe singe, sigora wealdend, and min sawl eac. OE Cleopatra Gloss. in W. G. Stryker Lat.-Old Eng. Gloss. in MS Cotton Cleopatra A.III (Ph.D. diss., Stanford Univ.) (1951) 39 Affectu, for hylde & lufe. OE King Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care (Hatton) (1871) xxxiv. 231 Suiðe suiðe we gesyngiað, gif we oðerra monna welgedona dæda ne lufigað & ne herigað. OE Old Eng. Hexateuch: Gen. (Claud.) xxix. 20 Iacob him hyrsumode þa seofan gear for Rachele, & hit him þuhte feawa daga for þære lufe þe he to hyre hæfde [L. prae amoris magnitudine]. OE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) iv. xxviii. 362 Swa mycel getydnes & gelærednes to sprecenne & swa mycel lufu godcundre lare [OE Corpus Oxf. swa mycel lufu to godcundre lare; L. tantus amor persuadendi]. OE tr. Bili St. Machutus 48 For þon þis idel lif nan þing elcor þam þe hit lufaþ byt nemþe synne. OE Laws of Æðelred II (Claud.) vi. xxix. 254 La understande man georne, þæt eal swylc [sc. swicollice dæda & laðlice unlaga] is to leanne & næfre to lufianne. OE Wærferð tr. Gregory Dialogues (Corpus Cambr.) (1900) iii. vii. 189 On æfentid ic geteah his mod to þon, þæt he lufode mid his bradre hand þa nunnan & ofer þa sculdru geþaccode. OE Wulfstan Institutes of Polity (Junius) 78 Eorlas and heretogan and ðas worulddeman and eac swa gerefan agan nydþearfe, þæt hi riht lufian for Gode and for worulde. OE Lord’s Prayer II 115 We ðe, soðfæstan god, heriað and lofiað. OE (Mercian) Vespasian Psalter (1965) xvii. 1 (2) Diligam te domine uirtus mea, domine firmamentum meum et refugium meum : ic lufiu ðe dryhten megen min dryhten trymenis min & geberg min. OE tr. Apollonius of Tyre (1958) i. 2 Þa ða se fæder þohte hwam he hi mihte healicost forgifan, þa gefeol his agen mod on hyre lufe mid unrihtre gewilnunge [L. pater..incidit in amorem filiae suae]. OE (Northumbrian) Lindisf. Gospels: John v. 42 Sed cognoui uos quia dilectionem dei non habetis in uobis: ah ic cuðe iuih þætte lufu godes [OE Rushw. lufo godes] ne habbas gie in iuih.

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